Yoga for Schools and Nurseries


As a country we invest more time into treatment than in prevention of mental health disorders, and mental health issues are growing year on year, with younger children now being affected.

Yoga can help to protect our children’s mental health from an early age providing children with the tools to build resilience, stay fit and healthy in mind, body and spirit, as they learn to cope with difficult feelings and emotions.

Yoga and mindfulness are proven to help people of all ages to deal with stress and ward off depression.

My classes include a mix of yoga and mindfulness.

Yoga for Nurseries

Mindfulness and Yoga give young people special fun time – and can improve not only their physical health, but also their emotional wellbeing and resilience. Yoga is a simple way for little ones to become more healthy - through stories, songs and yoga positions they exercise, whilst they learn empathy, and understanding for themselves and the wider world.


Mindfulness and Yoga classes support a fun learning environment for all young people. Our yoga classes can run hand in hand with the themes being taught in nursery, supporting values, behaviours and teaching and learning.


Yoga for Schools


Mindfulness and Yoga are an effective and important way for children to have fun, and let out pent up energies which can negatively affect their mood. This improves concentration and focus on learning.

Yoga is a fantastic form of complementary exercise for those children who enjoy a range of sports. It is also an engaging form of exercise for those who dislike PE, there is no competition, and children quickly see their progress.

Yoga and Mindfulness help young people to deal with difficult emotions, it’s a simple way to feel better, reduce stress, boost self-esteem and build resilience.


Ofsted requires every school to actively promote and evaluate students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. Mindfulness and Yoga classes support SMSC education by encouraging students to explore behaviours, understand and care for others, build self-esteem and awareness, care for and respect animals and nature, explore feelings, emotions, understanding of right and wrong and much more.


I teach Yoga classes specifically tailored to schools and students as part of PE or PHSE. These classes can either be:

  • At breakfast time (to ensure the day is started with your best foot forward, (to ensure maximum learning potential across the day)

  • During the school day as a lesson in mindfulness or PE

  • or as an after-school club to relax after a full day of learning.